At Bhr Cavour 150 we try to reduce the environmental impact as much as possible, starting from the small daily gestures that make a difference.
The communications will be exclusively by email, telephone and / or whatsapp, so as to avoid the need for a reception, however giving complete availability and availability 24 hours a day; not having a reception it will not be possible in any way to provide for the printing of documents, always respecting the environment. The cleaning of the rooms will be carried out daily, but if you like us try to make a difference, we propose to store unused or clean towels in their place and opt for the change every 2 days, leaving only the dirt on the floor or in the shower
The Bistrot tries to favour as much as possible the use of natural and not chemically treated products, coming from the territory of the Roman countryside and castles, except for things available only abroad or in any case not within the region. We have also limited the production of waste, thanks to the use of a state-of-the-art sink.
In our kitchen, in addition, a water purification system is also installed with relative production of cold water and at both natural and carbonated room temperature that allows us to avoid the use of plastic bottles, not only during the catering service, but also inside the rooms, as in each of them the customer will find 1 bottle of natural water and 1 bottle of free sparkling water, eliminating the plastic format of.
There will also be dispensers in the bathrooms, so as to completely eliminate the outdated single-use kits.
Throughout the structure there are machinery and in general appliances of the latest generation, which allow considerable energy savings and reduce CO2 emissions
Largo Brancaccio 83
00184 Roma